Sharifah Nur' Insyirah

Sharifah Nur' Insyirah
Words Cant Bring Us Down

Friday, April 13, 2012


Well everything turned out to be normal today.Thank god nothing weird or creepy happened.Things have not turn out the way ive planned a few days back.:/ well nothing is perfect in this world,and people do eventually face heart breaks or feel like sh** sick and tired of this things that piss me off :( i just want my old life back,with no fights,no heart aches,where my days were just filled wilh LOVE :) Even the brightest star dies,nothing seem to last forever.sigh*
Just wish tomorrow and the days to come will fill with joys and laughter like it was before,i cant afforf to lose anymore tears :(
Cant wait for 21.6.2012! serioussssllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy cepatlahh! i wanna go home! :)