Hectic life every single day,huee..ya allah berilah kekuatan kepada ku..Alhamdulillah almost all atras(class that i missed cause of going back to malaysia) are almost finish! yeiii ^^So basically i have about 16 subjects this sem.
what a hectic sem! classes are full from 8am-5pm even on saturday! and we have to go to hospitals,which is about 40 minutes away,have to walk,take a bus,get off a bus,get on a tram,get off the tram,continue walking,then only we'll reachthe hospital,and the best part is,this happens every saturday,at 7 am :)
We have to be there by 8am,and the doctor is very strict,sumpah.Dia halau balik even if we are 5 minutes late.haih..how awesome is that!yeiii?but punctuality is important kan after all,as she always says' How can you be a good doctor without a commitment to patience if you cant even give commitment to yourself.'
Anyhuuuu to make it all even better,here in KSMU every class of every single subject everydayy,we will have exams :)))
well,now after almost 2 sem,alhamdulillah i getting used to it,imagine have to prepare yourself everyday for exam.cooolioooo.uuu end and we cant even miss a single class,it doesn't matter whether youre sick,dying or giving labour or for what so ever reason,you have to come to class.If you dont,you have to do atra(in other words,one-to-one exam with your lecturer) then only she'll sign your attendance.
im glad this sem is about to over,2 more months sharifah!hang onnnnn. but got a looooooonnngg way to go,ya allah permudahan lahh..
whatever it is,alhamdulillah,im happy with what im doing now,i mean its what i have ever wanted all these whle,and besides,i still remember the conversation between me and my late grandma "afa janji dgn nenek yg satu hari nanti insyallah dgn izin allah afa akan jadi doctor,dan afa akan ubatkan nenek." nenek akan senyum,angkat tangan dia,dan aminkan kalau nak tahu,nenek seorang yg sangat comel,mata dia biru,nenek kecil je,walaupun dah almost 90 years ols,nenek masih ada rambut hitam,nenek sangat kuat,boleh even angkat pasu!she's a very strong and beautiful woman,nenek selalu cerita pengalaman dia masa jepun serang tanah melayu. :'( ya allah sumpah rindu dekat nenek sangat2,i grew up with her,sampai skrg akan menangis kalau teringat arwah,rasa mcm baru seala tidur dalam pelukan nenek,sikat rambut nenek lepas mandi,nenek tocangkan rambut,pakaikan nenek baju,bedakkan nenek,urut kaki nenek :(
walaupun afa tak dapat tunaikan janji afa utk ubatkan nenek,tapi insyallah amalan2 afa utk ubatkan org,selamatkn nyawa orang nanti,semua tu akan kembali pada arwah nenek,dan semua tu berkat doa nenek ,and i know the main reason why im here is because of her doa:'(
al fatihah.Baiyah bte duki (1911-2008)
cepatlahhh,tak sabar nak balik malaysia,tak sabar nak jumpa FRD,i miss everything .
meanwhile have to get back to my histology,good night <3
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