Sharifah Nur' Insyirah

Sharifah Nur' Insyirah
Words Cant Bring Us Down

Thursday, May 24, 2012

30 days to go :D

Alhamdulillah,masa berlalu sgt sekejap..Sedar tak sedar i almost finish my first year :') im so excited to go home! weeeehuuuu!!! insyallah genap sebulan lagi nak balik! i miss abah ibu so much and all the quality things we used to do,i missed my cats and i miseed my bed,i missed my old life! not that the new one sucks,:p but the old one is more awesome.LOLOLO. I miss my old friends,i missed my car,haih..cepatlah balik..where i really belong.
I dont know why,but seriously,my life completely turn upside down once im here,to be honest i cant wait to finish my studies and just go home..
allah berikan lah aku kekuatan utk menempuh segala dugaan yg mndatang..After all,this is what i wanted all along,permudahkanlah..amin :')

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