Sharifah Nur' Insyirah
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Miracle of doa :)
its getting colder and colder every day here in kursk,winter will be coming early maybe? alhamdulillah settling down in 2nd year now,got a long way to go..ya allah please provide me with your guidance..amin. Makin laa subject makin tough makin busy,but great things never come easily,it need sacrifice and patience. sabar lah :') insyallah berkat doa ibu bapa dan org2 yg disayangi,akan termakbul lah segalanya akhir nanti..
Kebelakangan ni banyak dugaan,sangat banyak.Trying to get away from these problems are impossible but ive found the solution.The easiest way is dekatkan diri dgn allah.Insyallah,masalah kita mungkin takkan selesai terus,but hati kita akan sentiasa tenag.ketenangan hati lah yg paling sukar dikecapi,dekatkan diri dgn allah insyallah everything will be perfectly fine. :)
Kebelakangan ni banyak dugaan,sangat banyak.Trying to get away from these problems are impossible but ive found the solution.The easiest way is dekatkan diri dgn allah.Insyallah,masalah kita mungkin takkan selesai terus,but hati kita akan sentiasa tenag.ketenangan hati lah yg paling sukar dikecapi,dekatkan diri dgn allah insyallah everything will be perfectly fine. :)
Monday, September 10, 2012
Dear heart :)
Dengan lafaz bismillah melangkah ke tahun2..ya allah kau permudahkanlah segala urusan ku dan lindungilah ibu bapa ku dan org2 yg kusayang ya allah,sesungguhnya kau maha pengasih lagi penyayang..amin..
Long way to go :')
Long way to go :')
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
30 days to go :D
Alhamdulillah,masa berlalu sgt sekejap..Sedar tak sedar i almost finish my first year :') im so excited to go home! weeeehuuuu!!! insyallah genap sebulan lagi nak balik! i miss abah ibu so much and all the quality things we used to do,i missed my cats and i miseed my bed,i missed my old life! not that the new one sucks,:p but the old one is more awesome.LOLOLO. I miss my old friends,i missed my car,haih..cepatlah balik..where i really belong.
I dont know why,but seriously,my life completely turn upside down once im here,to be honest i cant wait to finish my studies and just go home..
allah berikan lah aku kekuatan utk menempuh segala dugaan yg mndatang..After all,this is what i wanted all along,permudahkanlah..amin :')
I dont know why,but seriously,my life completely turn upside down once im here,to be honest i cant wait to finish my studies and just go home..
allah berikan lah aku kekuatan utk menempuh segala dugaan yg mndatang..After all,this is what i wanted all along,permudahkanlah..amin :')
Friday, April 13, 2012
Well everything turned out to be normal today.Thank god nothing weird or creepy happened.Things have not turn out the way ive planned a few days back.:/ well nothing is perfect in this world,and people do eventually face heart breaks or feel like sh** sick and tired of this things that piss me off :( i just want my old life back,with no fights,no heart aches,where my days were just filled wilh LOVE :) Even the brightest star dies,nothing seem to last forever.sigh*
Just wish tomorrow and the days to come will fill with joys and laughter like it was before,i cant afforf to lose anymore tears :(
Cant wait for 21.6.2012! serioussssllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy cepatlahh! i wanna go home! :)
Just wish tomorrow and the days to come will fill with joys and laughter like it was before,i cant afforf to lose anymore tears :(
Cant wait for 21.6.2012! serioussssllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy cepatlahh! i wanna go home! :)
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Doa arwah nenek
Hectic life every single day,huee..ya allah berilah kekuatan kepada ku..Alhamdulillah almost all atras(class that i missed cause of going back to malaysia) are almost finish! yeiii ^^So basically i have about 16 subjects this sem.
what a hectic sem! classes are full from 8am-5pm even on saturday! and we have to go to hospitals,which is about 40 minutes away,have to walk,take a bus,get off a bus,get on a tram,get off the tram,continue walking,then only we'll reachthe hospital,and the best part is,this happens every saturday,at 7 am :)
We have to be there by 8am,and the doctor is very strict,sumpah.Dia halau balik even if we are 5 minutes awesome is that!yeiii?but punctuality is important kan after all,as she always says' How can you be a good doctor without a commitment to patience if you cant even give commitment to yourself.'
Anyhuuuu to make it all even better,here in KSMU every class of every single subject everydayy,we will have exams :)))
well,now after almost 2 sem,alhamdulillah i getting used to it,imagine have to prepare yourself everyday for exam.cooolioooo.uuu end and we cant even miss a single class,it doesn't matter whether youre sick,dying or giving labour or for what so ever reason,you have to come to class.If you dont,you have to do atra(in other words,one-to-one exam with your lecturer) then only she'll sign your attendance.
im glad this sem is about to over,2 more months sharifah!hang onnnnn. but got a looooooonnngg way to go,ya allah permudahan lahh..
whatever it is,alhamdulillah,im happy with what im doing now,i mean its what i have ever wanted all these whle,and besides,i still remember the conversation between me and my late grandma "afa janji dgn nenek yg satu hari nanti insyallah dgn izin allah afa akan jadi doctor,dan afa akan ubatkan nenek." nenek akan senyum,angkat tangan dia,dan aminkan kalau nak tahu,nenek seorang yg sangat comel,mata dia biru,nenek kecil je,walaupun dah almost 90 years ols,nenek masih ada rambut hitam,nenek sangat kuat,boleh even angkat pasu!she's a very strong and beautiful woman,nenek selalu cerita pengalaman dia masa jepun serang tanah melayu. :'( ya allah sumpah rindu dekat nenek sangat2,i grew up with her,sampai skrg akan menangis kalau teringat arwah,rasa mcm baru seala tidur dalam pelukan nenek,sikat rambut nenek lepas mandi,nenek tocangkan rambut,pakaikan nenek baju,bedakkan nenek,urut kaki nenek :(
walaupun afa tak dapat tunaikan janji afa utk ubatkan nenek,tapi insyallah amalan2 afa utk ubatkan org,selamatkn nyawa orang nanti,semua tu akan kembali pada arwah nenek,dan semua tu berkat doa nenek ,and i know the main reason why im here is because of her doa:'(
al fatihah.Baiyah bte duki (1911-2008)
cepatlahhh,tak sabar nak balik malaysia,tak sabar nak jumpa FRD,i miss everything .
meanwhile have to get back to my histology,good night <3
what a hectic sem! classes are full from 8am-5pm even on saturday! and we have to go to hospitals,which is about 40 minutes away,have to walk,take a bus,get off a bus,get on a tram,get off the tram,continue walking,then only we'll reachthe hospital,and the best part is,this happens every saturday,at 7 am :)
We have to be there by 8am,and the doctor is very strict,sumpah.Dia halau balik even if we are 5 minutes awesome is that!yeiii?but punctuality is important kan after all,as she always says' How can you be a good doctor without a commitment to patience if you cant even give commitment to yourself.'
Anyhuuuu to make it all even better,here in KSMU every class of every single subject everydayy,we will have exams :)))
well,now after almost 2 sem,alhamdulillah i getting used to it,imagine have to prepare yourself everyday for exam.cooolioooo.uuu end and we cant even miss a single class,it doesn't matter whether youre sick,dying or giving labour or for what so ever reason,you have to come to class.If you dont,you have to do atra(in other words,one-to-one exam with your lecturer) then only she'll sign your attendance.
im glad this sem is about to over,2 more months sharifah!hang onnnnn. but got a looooooonnngg way to go,ya allah permudahan lahh..
whatever it is,alhamdulillah,im happy with what im doing now,i mean its what i have ever wanted all these whle,and besides,i still remember the conversation between me and my late grandma "afa janji dgn nenek yg satu hari nanti insyallah dgn izin allah afa akan jadi doctor,dan afa akan ubatkan nenek." nenek akan senyum,angkat tangan dia,dan aminkan kalau nak tahu,nenek seorang yg sangat comel,mata dia biru,nenek kecil je,walaupun dah almost 90 years ols,nenek masih ada rambut hitam,nenek sangat kuat,boleh even angkat pasu!she's a very strong and beautiful woman,nenek selalu cerita pengalaman dia masa jepun serang tanah melayu. :'( ya allah sumpah rindu dekat nenek sangat2,i grew up with her,sampai skrg akan menangis kalau teringat arwah,rasa mcm baru seala tidur dalam pelukan nenek,sikat rambut nenek lepas mandi,nenek tocangkan rambut,pakaikan nenek baju,bedakkan nenek,urut kaki nenek :(
walaupun afa tak dapat tunaikan janji afa utk ubatkan nenek,tapi insyallah amalan2 afa utk ubatkan org,selamatkn nyawa orang nanti,semua tu akan kembali pada arwah nenek,dan semua tu berkat doa nenek ,and i know the main reason why im here is because of her doa:'(
al fatihah.Baiyah bte duki (1911-2008)
cepatlahhh,tak sabar nak balik malaysia,tak sabar nak jumpa FRD,i miss everything .
meanwhile have to get back to my histology,good night <3
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Learn to appreciate :)
Heidi klum(Supermodel and her husband,Seal )Manusia nie kerap lupa,apa yg dia ada depan mata,apa yg jadi milik dia,dia selalu tak hargai.Dia akan take things forgranted,dia akan buat endah tak endah,dia akan buat apa sahaja,kerana bagi dia,nothing will change.Hal nie boleh dikitkan dgn relationship.Selalunya bila someone tu milik kita,kita tak pernah nak hargai,bila dah takde,bila dia dah bahagia dgn org lain,baru lah kelam kelibut,rindu bagai,and cari balik,cause things will never be the same He/She will never find someone that loves Him/Her the way she/he did :)
Nie lah hakikat manusia,tak pernah bersyukur dgn kurniaan ilahi.Kalau ada bf handsome,tak cukup nak yg hansome lagi!kalau ada gf kurus,tak cukup,nak yg kurus lagi and sebaliknyalah.Tak semestinya dari segi fizial sahaja,rohani pun penting jugak.Kadang2 dah dapat pasangan yg memahami,yg boleh bertolak ansur,kita buat acuh tak acuh,kita biarkan dia,kita tak jaga dia betul2.kenapa semua benda nie berlaku?adakah sbb sudah bosan?atau sudah jumpa someone better? Ingatlah,kalau kamu rasa kamu berhak ada org yg lagi baik,lagi sempurna,lagi memahami dari si dia,jgn pula kamu lupa,bahawa kamu itu sudah cukup sempurna ke baginya?
aha! So ingat2lah yg baik jadikan pedoman,yg tak baik tu mintak simpangkan lah :)
Hurm,for those yg in a relationship or in a long distance relationship tu,hargai lah pasangan masing2,tiada yg sempurna dalam dunia ini,so kita bersyukurlah dgn kurnianNYa.Ingatlah,allah temukan kita dan dia adalah bersebab,samaada akan terus ke ambang perkahwinan,atau putus ditengah jalan,itu semua hasil daripada cara kita mengaturkan hubungan tersebut.More talking and less fighting does a big help,kalau ada masalah selesaikan lah baik2,jangan take everything easy,perempuan sgt sensitif and sometimes dia nak lelaki fight utk dia ,and lelaki pun ada egonya sendiri so masing2 lah kena figure things out,api lawanya air,tidak boleh dibalas api.So Lets just hope for the best :)
Ingatlah kecantikan,kekayaan,dan penampilan tidak menjamin kebahagiaa,so appreciate dan terimalah pasangan kita seadanya :)
Nie lah hakikat manusia,tak pernah bersyukur dgn kurniaan ilahi.Kalau ada bf handsome,tak cukup nak yg hansome lagi!kalau ada gf kurus,tak cukup,nak yg kurus lagi and sebaliknyalah.Tak semestinya dari segi fizial sahaja,rohani pun penting jugak.Kadang2 dah dapat pasangan yg memahami,yg boleh bertolak ansur,kita buat acuh tak acuh,kita biarkan dia,kita tak jaga dia betul2.kenapa semua benda nie berlaku?adakah sbb sudah bosan?atau sudah jumpa someone better? Ingatlah,kalau kamu rasa kamu berhak ada org yg lagi baik,lagi sempurna,lagi memahami dari si dia,jgn pula kamu lupa,bahawa kamu itu sudah cukup sempurna ke baginya?
aha! So ingat2lah yg baik jadikan pedoman,yg tak baik tu mintak simpangkan lah :)
Hurm,for those yg in a relationship or in a long distance relationship tu,hargai lah pasangan masing2,tiada yg sempurna dalam dunia ini,so kita bersyukurlah dgn kurnianNYa.Ingatlah,allah temukan kita dan dia adalah bersebab,samaada akan terus ke ambang perkahwinan,atau putus ditengah jalan,itu semua hasil daripada cara kita mengaturkan hubungan tersebut.More talking and less fighting does a big help,kalau ada masalah selesaikan lah baik2,jangan take everything easy,perempuan sgt sensitif and sometimes dia nak lelaki fight utk dia ,and lelaki pun ada egonya sendiri so masing2 lah kena figure things out,api lawanya air,tidak boleh dibalas api.So Lets just hope for the best :)
Ingatlah kecantikan,kekayaan,dan penampilan tidak menjamin kebahagiaa,so appreciate dan terimalah pasangan kita seadanya :)
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Woman's day :)
Scrub Latest season :P |
Stay strong and stay beautiful :)
Well we had our own way of celebrating woman's day :)
Guys from our group mate (all of us are very close to each other,and we felt as though we were siblings)
threw a woman's day party for us! Not that kind of party with dancing,or drinking or what so ever.Just a small party,with a cute cake and balloons and cokes and some other junk foods :p Lol.
But it was an awesome one! we talked for hours and hours,all 12 of us :') From playing games,to telling ghost stories,and talking about our future :p
It was small,yet a happy one,thank you so much guys,we felt very appreciated :p
Hope all of us remains friends till the end :)
Thanks to Uma (group leader),charwinth(buat org tak kering gusi) mel(si penghibur dgn guitar kapoknya)
canon(dgn ucapan serta nasihat2nya) and not to forget all the girls that color up our group.Bainnun(si kecik),Dian(si emo yg baik hati) tia(si jennifer love hewitt) syazaan(si cantik) Barbara(si streissand comel:p) becka(si atra yg sweet :p)
and last but not least Me(...) HAHAHA.i cant describe my own self can i?LOL.
The games we played were kind of funny,the first game goes like this.
Everyone must take a small sheet of paper,write their name down.and fold it,later that paper is put down on the floor,and everybody have to take a sheet of paper randomly,and when they did,they must write something about the person on that paper.Anything!the way you feel about them,or what so ever,be as honest as possible,the papers are passed around and after everybody have wrote down what they felt about the person,the paper is returned to the owner,and everyone have to read every single details on their paper outloud!
well it was a very funny and exciting moment cause we get to know what others think about us,but too bad we dont know which thought goes to which person :p
But it was an exciting game though,this is what my group mate thinks about me :">
I dont know how true it was but yeah,(part yg pandai masak tu tak boleh blah!*)
All of us started out as strangers,but as time goes by we knew each other very very well.Mana tak nya,kelas sama,masak sama,hostel satu floor,almost evrything we will refer to each other,Bila dah kenal lama2,barulah tau perangai masing2 bukan lah se'descent' yg disangka :p semua otak masuk air and sangat best dijadikan kawan (time study budak2 nie barulah menunjukkan ciri2 medic mereka* krkrkr) other than that,perangai kalahkan org dekat asylum =___='
p.s:Too bad atanu and ahmad cant make it since their hostel were quiet far,but their wishes and thoughts were enough for us girls :)
well this is one and only our group photos,i know all of us will go through some ups and downs this 6 years,but hopefully we will make it till the end.,and hopefully all of us will be a good doctors in the future,amin.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
2012 :)
Bismillahirahmanirahim. fuh,its been a really looong while that i didnt update my blog ,sangat busy dgn segala mcm benda,and sedar tak sedar its already 2012..ya allah,how can time pass so fast? and ive been in russia for almost 4months.alhamdulilah,first of all im very thankful for all of the blessing i had through out the year of 2011.Banyak pahit maung,susah senang yg harus dilalui..and yet,here i am standing tall,i guess im a survivor :)
Banyak benda dah berubah skrg,now that im thousands of miles away from my family and my loved ones,tak dinafikan,memang sangat banyak dugaan and cabaran that i had to get through.
apa2 pun,im ready to face 2012,hopefully things will go well till the end ,amin.
well here goes,kalau nak cerita dari mula memang tak larat,so lets skip that part since 2011 dah habis dah pun,and hop in 2012! Baru2 nie i get to celebrate the new year in moscow! what an awesome experience! something very new to me,cause for the first time,i was travelling alone,in a totally new country!excited memang excited,but risau jugak tentang safety,cause this is russia people.SANGAT LAIN.pftt.
yg pegi just me,syazan and fara,yup 3 girls.We took a 8hours train right from kursk,and sampai moscow zal about 1.30 am ,dkat sana 2 of our friends already wait for us :) yasmin and amyra thanks a bunch guys for being the best tour guide. hehe
Well we reall y did had an awesome time,shopping,sight seeing,new year celebration,makan(since lama gila dah tak makan daging) LOL!
yg paling best is shopping of course!the sale was like crazy,we're not talking about 20%,50% or 70%,but 200% !! memang berpeluh kalau tgk,:p but after all it was worth it kan. hehe.
but there are few weird things yg moscovkian nie suka buat.They like tosnap our picture.okay bukan nak perasan or what but seriously,they just simply go infront of you,snap a pict and blah! like what the?? First of all sgt tak beretika cause it was without permission,secondly it was quiet scary lah kan,camera siap ada flash lagi yg tak tahan tu.and there is this one time,this guy even used his video cam.imagine that.maybe dia rasa pelik tgk kami foreigner nie kot,haih..haha but whatever it is,we had loads of fun! cant wait to visit moscow lagi :3
alhamdulilah we make it back safely to kursk 6 days later.So here are some of the picts ;)
Thats all for now,ngeee :F insyallah after this akan update more often. :)
Banyak benda dah berubah skrg,now that im thousands of miles away from my family and my loved ones,tak dinafikan,memang sangat banyak dugaan and cabaran that i had to get through.
apa2 pun,im ready to face 2012,hopefully things will go well till the end ,amin.
well here goes,kalau nak cerita dari mula memang tak larat,so lets skip that part since 2011 dah habis dah pun,and hop in 2012! Baru2 nie i get to celebrate the new year in moscow! what an awesome experience! something very new to me,cause for the first time,i was travelling alone,in a totally new country!excited memang excited,but risau jugak tentang safety,cause this is russia people.SANGAT LAIN.pftt.
yg pegi just me,syazan and fara,yup 3 girls.We took a 8hours train right from kursk,and sampai moscow zal about 1.30 am ,dkat sana 2 of our friends already wait for us :) yasmin and amyra thanks a bunch guys for being the best tour guide. hehe
Well we reall y did had an awesome time,shopping,sight seeing,new year celebration,makan(since lama gila dah tak makan daging) LOL!
yg paling best is shopping of course!the sale was like crazy,we're not talking about 20%,50% or 70%,but 200% !! memang berpeluh kalau tgk,:p but after all it was worth it kan. hehe.
but there are few weird things yg moscovkian nie suka buat.They like to
alhamdulilah we make it back safely to kursk 6 days later.So here are some of the picts ;)
-4celcius.brrr.. |
spartifnaya :) |
moscow |
ploshed(Red square) |
ice skating while snowing ^^ |
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